How Did We Get Here?

An interactive map of human migration


Colours represent the first human arrival in a given area.


Around 5000 years ago, or 3000 BCE, can be seen as the starting point for recorded history, with the invention of writing only preceding it by ~400 years. Essentially every known historical event occurred within this period. This period saw three major waves of migration. Firstly, the last major regions of the Americas were discovered, those being the Canadian Arctic and Greenland, around 4500 years ago and 2500 years ago respectively. Secondly was the discovery of several Indo-Pacific islands by Austronesian peoples, these include Madagascar, New Zealand, Hawaii and hundreds of others across the Pacific Ocean. This occurred between 3500 years ago and 800 years ago. The final Major migration that occurred in this period was perpetrated by Europeans, major discoveries of this wave include Iceland, Antarctica and other extremely remote areas.


Areas still mostly inhabited by their original inhabitants

Areas first inhabited by other homonins