How Did We Get Here?

An interactive map of human migration


Colours represent the first human arrival in a given area.


The lands settled by humans during this period represent the first parts of the earth that were inhabited outside of Africa. It is important to remember that during this era in prehistory, the earth’s sea level was much lower than it is now. It was because of this lower sea level that humans were able to reach many of the lands they did without the need for seafaring. The early migrations into these areas likely exited Africa through what is now the Bab al-Mandab strait (which was a land bridge at the time), before following the coast of the Indian Ocean through Arabia, south Asia and Indochina, eventually reaching Australia by crossing over the lands of Sunda and Sahul (the now sunken lands which previously connected much of the Malay archipelago and Australia).


Areas still mostly inhabited by their original inhabitants

Areas first inhabited by other homonins